Friday, November 28, 2008

The concept of a new car interiors have the most secure and transparent body fabric

Now the car is the main direction of development of the launch of new models of energy power to solve the increasingly serious energy crisis and reduce the harm caused to the environment, and following this concept was mainly to stress that the emotional demands. Free Form concept car is set up a four-seat concept car, this concept car inside the internal use of glass fiber materials, such as materials, so that the car looks very comfortable and lightweight.
现在汽车的发展方向主要是推出各种新能源动力车型,以解决日益严重的能源危机,并减轻对环境造成的危害,而下面这款概念车则主要强调的是对于情感的诉求。Free Form概念车是一款设置了四个座位的概念车,这款概念车的车厢内部采用了玻璃、纤维材料等材料,让该车看起来十分舒适、轻盈。